Friday, June 3, 2011

More Fundraising Ideas.

Summer vacation? What's that? For me it's more like summer-vacation-from-school-but-I-am-still-working-my-tail-feathers-off-to-save-money-for-my-mission-trip-so-it's-not-really-a-vacation.

Some of the things I am doing this summer are car washes, bake sales, auctions (maybe...still thinking about that one...what do you think?), and house cleaning.

I am so terribly OCD. My friends, you know who you are, give me a hard time for it, but it doesn't help. My books are in alphabetical order and size coded. My shoes are in order of size and color and type. My money in my wallet is president-head facing me and from least to greatest. So, if you want an OCD housekeeper, send me an email!!

Also, I would love to help tutor school subjects (as long as it is not any other language than Spanish and it has nothing to do with any kind of American, British, or Chinese history or any animal dissections)!

Send me an email if you wanna try my secret-recipe chocolate chip cookies or just try simple snickerdoodles.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

T-shirts, Bags, and Anything You Can Think Of!!!

I am officially 1/3 of the way to getting myself in country and 1/4 of the way to getting myself in country and giving a donation to Hannah's Hope!

To celebrate this occasion, I have a REALLY cool thing to share with you--A new fundraiser!! Hooray!!

Soo here it is:
I'm selling tshirts, tank tops, bags, purses, hats, sweatshirts, jammies....about anything you can wear....with my Africa design on them! I am also selling hand designed TOMS (I don't have any pictures to show you of the TOMS though, 'cause I need to be payed up front for those). Shirts are my favorite, though.

The shirts (I have a few) are soo comfy that sometimes I'll just wear them to bed! You know you want one....

Here are a few: Pink is always the favorite! ($15.00)

This is the front and this is the back. ($15.00)

All shirts have a design on the front ($15.00).

But if you want, I could do only a design on the back ($15.00).

Or I could do both a front design and a back design ($25.00).

I have about any color imaginable, too. You don't have to stick with the blue, red, yellow, and green if you don't want to.

Soo, sweatpants, sweatshirts, tanks, hats, name it!!

Like I said, they're super comfy and I love them!

Who wants one!? Send me an email at

Cuz' really, who doesn't want one? Or ten?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Hate Asking for Help/Money, but....

This is the donation letter I wrote:


I am so excited for the end of this year because I have the opportunity to go to Ethiopia!! I would be going with a group of dentists from Texas that we are friends with and a friend of mine who goes to church with me and her family. The only reason I have been using words like “potentially” and “hopefully” when telling people about this amazing chance is because of how much it costs to go. It is so expensive! It’d be cheaper for me to go buy the used car that I want than it would be for me to go to Africa. It is about $3,000 for me to go. Yikes! I am hoping to raise about $4,000 though. With the other $1,000, I will give all of it to the orphanage my sister, Ray Ray, was at, Hannah’s Hope. Hannah’s Hope is located just outside the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. While there, I will be doing things like playing with the children, helping with the patients, helping cook food, and other such services.

The only problem is that I don’t have a spare four grand. (Shocking, right? A high school student that is completely dirt poor? Unheard of, right?) This summer I will be working very hard to earn most, if not all, of that. I'm going to be doing car washes, lemonade stands, and I'm selling handmade t-shirts—contact me if you want one!-, but I would really appreciate you and your family’s help. If you would be willing to donate even a little bit of money, I would be so grateful!

If you are able to help me go serve at various orphanages and clinics, please write a check to me and in the memo section, please write “Donation for Ethiopia”. You can then either give it to me personally or mail it to the address at the top of the page.

If you cannot help financially, would you please pray for two things: for our team to travel safely and that everything we do in Africa would honor God?

Thank you so much for your help!


If you wanna help, you can shoot me an email ( and I'll send you an address that I will eventually receive it from. Thanks!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Running Water

I, lately, have been wanting to get in shape for summer. The time has come for pools, beaches, water parks, and surfboards.

With those wonderful things comes something horrible....

The swimsuit.

Yes, most women hate buying swimwear and then wearing it and I am certainly not exempt from that grouping!

Soo, to look good in a swimsuit, one must be slim, tan, and fit. Am I right or am I right?

Let's address each one.

To become slim--eat fewer fatty things and eat more veggies and fruits. Pretty darn simple. In ccept, at least.

To become tan--spend an hour bathing in the sun while reading a book. Again, easy.

To become fit--excercise. That is the hardest thing on the list!!

So to make what is hard fun, why not join me and Team World Vision in a half marathon? Yeah, it's hard to train for it, but it is for a GREAT cause!! With Team World Vision, I, and anybody who wants to join me, am raising funds and awareness for the children in Africa. With the money that goes to the race, clean water projects will be funded in Kenya and Malawi. You can find more information about Team World Visions' half marathon at

Soo, let's get in shape for summer and train for a 13.1!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So Here It Begins

I am officially preparing for Ethiopia now!! New blog set up, shirts being made, bottles being recycled for $.05 each (hey, every penny counts, right?), etc.

Speaking of shirts, I am making and selling shirts, shoes, Toms, sweatshirts, sweatpants, flip-flops, and hats for money to help me go to Ethiopia this September!! I need about $4,000 to be able to go and every extra penny I earn will go toward a huge donation toward the orphanage that my sister, Ray Ray, was at, Hannah's Hope (

I'm working on designing the clothing and shoes right now, but would LOVE any ideas!! If you want to buy an article of clothing or have an idea, send me an email to and let me know!